Phillip Huber, Bookseller/Geologist
PO Box 1036, Faribault, Minnesota 55021

Bergstrom D. J. and Morey G. B. 1985 CORRELATION OF STRATIGRAPHIC UNITS OF NORTH AMERICA NORTHERN MID-CONTINENT REGION chart in printed sleeve vg. Price: $10.00 (stock#AAPG17)

Dott R. H. Sr. (ed.) 1972 CARBONATE ROCKS I: CLASSIFICATIONS-DOLOMITE-DOLOMITIZATION Selected Papers reprinted from AAPG Bulletin. AAPG Reprint Series #4 wps light wear, vg, 237 pp., scores of figs.
Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPGRS04)

Jackson M. P. A. and Galloway W. E. 1984 STRUCTURAL AND DEPOSITIONAL STYLES OF GULF COAST TERTIARY CONTINENTAL MARGINS: APPLICATION TO HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION AAPG Course Notes #25 4to, wraps, light external wear, contents vg, 226 pp., scores of figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#AAPGCN25)

Jordan R. R. and Smith R. V. 1983 CORRELATION OF STRATIGRAPHIC UNITS OF NORTH AMERICA ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN chart in printed sleeve vg to fine. Price: $10.00 (stock#AAPG18)

Land L. S. 1982 DOLOMITIZATION AAPG Ed. Course Note Series #24 4to, wps light wear, vg, 20 pp., 7 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#AAPGCN24)

Payton C. E. 1977 SEISMIC STRATIGRAPHY - APPLICATIONS TO HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION AAPG Memoir #26 cloth with gilt title, ex-lib else light wear, vg, 516 pp., scores of figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#AAPGMem26)
Adkison W. L. (ed.) 1966 STRATIGRAPHIC CROSS SECTION OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS COLORADO TO NEW YORK AAPG 8vo, ex-private library, 58 pp. text, large folding maps and charts in pocket. Price: $20.00 (AAPG007)
American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1929 STRUCTURE OF TYPICAL AMERICAN OIL FIELDS 8vo, cloth, signature on paste down, else vg, 309 pp., figs, folding maps. Price: $35.00 (stock#AAPG013)
Asquith G. and Gibson C. 1982 BASIC WELL LOG ANALYSIS FOR GEOLOGISTS AAPG Methods in Exploration Series 4to, dust jacket with some wear else vg, 216 pp., figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#AAPG003)
Ball M. W. et al. (ed.) 1951 POSSIBLE FUTURE PETROLEUM PROVINCES OF NORTH AMERICA AAPG non-serial publication, 8vo, cloth, light wear, vg, 358 pp., figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#AAPG011)
Dott R. H. and Murray G. E. 1954 (eds.) GEOLOGIC CROSS SECTION OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS CENTRAL MISSISSIPPI TO NORTHERN MICHIGAN AAPG 8vo, ex-private library, 32 pp. text, large folding maps and charts in pocket. Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPG006)
Leverson A. I. (ed) 1941 STRATIGRAPHIC TYPE OIL FIELDS AAPG [publisher] large 8vo, orig. cloth, some external wear, rubbing, ex-lib, contents vg, 902 pp., many figs and detailed State by State.
Price: $35.00 (stock#AAPG02)
Leversen A. L. 1949 POSSIBLE FUTURE OIL PROVINCES OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 8vo, ex-private lib. copy with occasional notations else vg, 154 pp., numerous figs.
Price: $15.00 (stock#AAPG01)
Ley H. A. 1935 GEOLOGY OF NATURAL GAS AAPG non-serial publication thick 8vo, original cloth, light+ wear, ownership signature else contents vg, 1227 pp., figs. Price: $40.00 (stock#AAPG10)
Maher J. C. (ed.) 1960 STRATIGRAPHIC CROSS SECTION OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS WEST TEXAS TO NORTHERN MONTANA AAPG 8vo, ex-private library, 18 pp. text, large folding maps and charts in pocket. Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPG05)
Maher J. C. (ed.) 1965 CORRELATION OF SUBSURFACE MESOZOIC AND CENOZOIC ROCKS ALONG THE ATLANTIC COAST AAPG 8vo, ex-private library, 18 pp. text, large folding maps and charts in pockets.
Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPG08)
Smith R. (ed.) 1967 STRATIGRAPHIC CROSS SECTION OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS OKLAHOMA TO SASKATCHEWAN 8vo, ex-private library, 23 pp. text, large folding maps and charts in pocket.
Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPG09)
Trask P. D. and Patnode H. W. 1942 SOURCE BEDS OF PETROLEUM American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 8vo, cloth with gilt spine title, light rubbing edges of boards else very good and clean copy with 566 pp., 72 figures. A classic volume. Price: $25.00 (stock#AAPGNS19)
Weeks L. G. 1958 HABITAT OF OIL AAPG non-serial publication 4to, cloth, some external wear, name stamp else vg, 1384 pp., figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#AAPG014)
Wrather W. E. and Lahee F. H. 1934 PROBLEMS OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY AAPG non-serial volume 8vo, cloth, light wear, vg, 1073 pp., figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#AAPG12)
#1 Dickenson W. R. and Yarborough H. 1981 PLATE TECTONICS AND HYDROCARBON ACCUMULATION AAPG Ed. Course Note Series #1 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 34 pp., 71 plts, numerous figs.
Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPGCN01)
#3 Berg R. R. 1981 EXPLORATION FOR SANDSTONE STRATIGRAPHIC TRAPS 4to, light wear, vg, 53 pp., figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPGCN03)
#09 Selley R. C. 1979 CONCEPTS AND METHODS OF SUBSURFACE FACIES ANALYSIS 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 86 pp., 55 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPGCN09)
#10 Barker C. 1980 ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY IN PETROLEUM EXPLORATION 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 159 pp., numerous figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPGCN10)
#13 Neidell N. S. 1980 STRATIGRAPHIC MODELING AND INTERPRETATION– GEOPHYSICAL PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES 4to, small crease and signature on wp else vg, 145 pp., numerous figs.
Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPGCN13)
#14 Merkel R. H. 1981 WELL LOG FORMATION EVALUATION 4to, wps light wear, vg, 82 pp., many figs.
Price: $25.00 (stock#AAPGCN14)
#15 Coleman J. M. and Prior D. B. 1981 DELTAIC SAND BODIES 4to, light wear, vg, 171 pp., 66 figs.
Price: $25.00 (stock#AAPGCN15)
#16 Brown L. F. Jr. and Fisher W. L. 1980 SEISMIC STRATIGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION AND PETROLEUM EXPLORATION 4to, wps with small signature else vg, 181 pp., many figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#AAPGCN16)
#17 Gretner P. E. 1981 GEOTHERMICS: USING TEMPERATURE IN HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 156 pp., many figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPGCN17)
#26 Brown W. G. 1979 BASEMENT INVOLVED TECTONICS FORELAND AREAS 4to, wps, stamp to title else vg, 92 pp., 120 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#AAPGCN26)
#27 Moslow T. F. 1983 DEPOSITIONAL MODELS OF SHELF AND SHORELINE SANDSTONES AAPG Ed. Course Note Series #27 4to, wps, as new in publishers shrink wrap. Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPGCN27)
#9 Beebe B. W. and Curtis B. F. (eds.) 1968 NATURAL GASES OF NORTH AMERICA VOLUME TWO AAPG Memoir #9 large 8vo, cloth, light+ wear, owners signature else vg, 1266 pp., figs, covering North American natural gas fields in chronostratigraphic order. Price: $40.00 (stock#AAPGM9pt2)
#10 Galley J. E. (ed.) 1968, SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL IN GEOLOGIC BASINS--A STUDY OF RESERVOIR STRATA AAPG Memoir 10, light wear, ex-lib, contents vg, 253 pp., figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#AAPGM10)
#14 Halbouty M. T. 1970 GEOLOGY OF GIANT PETROLEUM FIELDS AAPG Memoir #14 8vo, cloth, ownership signature else vg, 573 pp., figs, some folding plates. Price: $30.00 (stock#AAPGM14)
#15 Cram I. H. (ed.) 1971 FUTURE PETROLEUM PROVINCES OF THE UNITED STATES THEIR GEOLOGY AND POTENTIAL AAPG Memoir #15 two vols. complete, both 8vo, cloth, light wear, vg, 1496 pp., figs.
Price: $45.00 (stock#AAPGM15)
#16 King R. E. (ed.) 1972 STRATIGRAPHIC OIL AND GAS FIELDS – CLASSIFICATION, EXPLORATION METHODS AND CASE HISTORIES AAPG Memoir #16 8vo, cloth, light wear, vg, 685 pp., many figs.
Price: $35.00 (stock#AAPGM16)
#26 Payton C. E. 1977 SEISMIC STRATIGRAPHY - APPLICATIONS TO HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION AAPG Memoir #26 cloth with gilt title, ex-lib else light wear, vg, 516 pp., scores of figs.
Price: $25.00 (stock#AAPGM26)
#30 Hablouty M. T.1980 GIANT OIL AND GAS FIELDS OF THE DECADE 1968-1978 AAPG Memoir #30 4to, cloth, private ownership signature else vg, 596 pp., Many figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#AAPGM30)
#35 Demaison G. and Murris R. J. 1984 PETROLEUM GEOCHEMISTRY AND BASIN EVALUATION AAPG Memoir #35 4to, dust jacket with light wear else fine copy, 426 pp., figs. A massive volume.
Price: $40.00 (stock#AAPGM35)
#37 McDonald D. A. et al (eds.) 1984 CLASTIC DIAGENESIS American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir #37 4to, dust jack over cloth, light wear, ownership signature on free end paper and title page else contens clean, a very good copy. With 434 pp., scores of figures. A classic reference on the formation, lithification and post-depositional histories of sedimentary rocks. Price: $40.00 (stock#AAPGM37)
#38 Masters J. A. (ed.) 1984 ELMWORTH CASE STUDY OF A DEEP BASIN GAS FIELD AAPG Memoir #38 4to, dust jacket with short tear else vg copy, 316 pp., figs., plts in color, covering the Elmworth field of Alberta, Canada. Price: $30.00 (stock#AAPGM38)
#4 Dott R. H. Sr. (ed.) 1972 CARBONATE ROCKS I: CLASSIFICATIONS-DOLOMITE-DOLOMITIZATION Selected Papers reprinted from AAPG Bulletin. AAPG Reprint Series #4 wps light wear, vg, 237 pp., scores of figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#AAPGRS04)
#25 Beaumont E. A. 1982 ENERGY MINERALS AAPG Reprint Series #25 8vo, wps, light wear, vg, 102 pp., figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#AAPGRS25)
#16 Seibold E. and Meulenkamp J. D. 1982 STRATIGRAPHY QUO VADIS AAPG Studies in Geology #16 8vo, wps, light wear, vg, 69 pp., figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#AAPGsg16)